Frequently Asked Questions

Q - How do I pick a faux finish?
A:  Consider your home's existing decor. Is it contemporary, transistional, or period? Whatever texture you choose should compliment the rest of your home's decor, or it may feel sudden, and clumsy. For a more definitive answer, download our How To entitled "Select the Right Faux Finish for Your Home."

Q - How can I find the best painting contractor for my house or business?
A:  Do your research. Use your favorite search engine, Google, for example, to find a painter in your region, then visit their website. Do they have testimonials from customers, or do they expect you to just trust them? Do the pictures of jobs they have already done demonstrate the type of paint jobs you need done? Better yet use this guide: "Select the Best Painting Contractor."

Q - How can get the best value when hiring a painter?
A:  Don't wait too long. Painters know that a rough, aged exterior will cost much more because it will take more materials, time, and effort and will charge accordingly. For more cash saving tips, download this How To: "Save Money When Selecting a Contractor."

Q - What are the best colors for my house exterior?
A:  The short answer: whatever color you love. But there are many factors to consider: Location, neighborhood, resale value and more. Our most comprehensive How To guide covers color from coordinates to preference, and it's free: "Select the Right Colors for Your Home."

Q - What is the best paint for my home interior?
A:  Dad was right, you get what you pay for. But other factors can determine which paint is best for your project. Read "Find the Right Paint for Your Home."

Q - What are the best value paints?
A:  Sounds like a simple question, but, factors like humidity, exposure, wear and subtrate play a role. A cheaper paint that mildews up in the bathroom or fades out across from a window is no value at all. Our How To "Find the Right Paint for Your Home." clarifies the issue.

Q - How do I pick colors that go together?
A:  Even the most talented colorists occasionally pick some chips that just don't wear well over time. You are the key. Examine the colors that work together in other areas of your life and you're halfway there. To get the rest of the color story, download "Select the Right Colors for Your Home."

Q - Can you match existing colors?
A:  Yes... and no. You can come pretty close, but without a sample of the color it won't be easy. Fortunately, most modern paint departments can get a digital color reading from a piece taken from a hidden area of your wall and get a 99% match. Buyer beware, though: how you apply the paint may affect the nearness of the match. Our most in depth How To: "Select the Right Colors for Your Home." explains more about color matching.

Q - How do I pick colors that will go with my home furnishings?
A:  This is why interior designers get the big bucks, but one secret to getting it right is hidden in the smallest room of your house. No, not the bathroom. Read our in-depth color guide for the answer: "Select the Right Colors for Your Home."

Q - How can I make my painted surfaces last longer?
A:  The most important element in how well a coat of will last is how it was applied. Proper surface preparation is almost everything. Find out how weather conditions on the day after you paint can affect it's long term viability our white paper: "Make it Last: Caring for Painted Surfaces."

Q - How often should I expect to repaint the outside of my house?
A:  The old rule of thumb was 5 - 7 years, but there are variables, weather, region and others. Learn more in "Make it Last: Caring for Painted Surfaces," our educational guide to getting the most from your paint.

How-To Guides for You to Download

Select the Right Faux Finish for Your Home.
Select the Best Painting Contractor.
Save Money When Selecting a Contractor.
Select the Right Colors for Your Home.
Find the Right Paint for Your Home.

Make it Last: Caring for Painted Surfaces.

The downloadable pdfs in this section were designed to more fully answer many of the questions posed by our customers over the years. They have been gathered together, sorted by topic and answered in concise how-to documents. You may download them free of charge. Please leave your email address and tell us what you liked and also what other paint-related topics you would like us to write about.

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